If the shift lever cannot be shifted with your foot on the brake pedal, there may be a problem with the shift lock system (a system to prevent accidental operation of the shift lever). Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately.
The following steps may be used as an emergency measure to ensure that the shift lever can be shifted:
Set the parking brake.
Vehicles without a smart key
Turn the engine switch to the “ACC” position.
Vehicles with a smart key system
Turn the “ENGINE START STOP” switch to ACCESSORY mode.
Depress the brake pedal.
Pry the cover up with a flathead screwdriver or equivalent tool.
Press the shift lock override button.
The shift lever can be shifted while the button is pressed.
Power Steering Warning Light Circuit
The power steering ECU assembly is connected to the combination meter assembly
via CAN communication. If the power steering ECU assembly detects a malfunction,
the power steering warning light comes on. At this time, the vehicle enters fail-sa ...
Indicator Circuit
The warning indicator lights are installed in the combination meter assembly.
Inspect the fuses for circuits related to this system before performing the following
inspection procedure.